
Monday, August 30, 2010

Japan #14 - French bakeries/cafes

The Japanese may have one of the most healthiest diets on the world but they sure do love their sweets. As we were travelled around Japan I was always amazed by the number of bakeries around. Many of them were French which is not surprising since the French make the best deserts!

In Osaka we found this awesome little French café/tea house.

Salon de the Alcyon

We went upstairs and had tea and sweets, I ordered a classic French dessert – Chocolate ‘Cerise en Vin Rouge’ – chocolate cake with red wine and berries. It was delicious.

The Japanese love macarons
Green tea macaron

1 comment:

  1. I'm amazed the macarons don't have their own little fancypants super protective boxes with bubble wrap or something, after the last post ;)
